The Wiseguy

Food for thought:


"Your better off just being yourself......


"A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study."

 Deciphered:  Open your ears and listen.  You never know when you just might learn something.

"You're always on the go, so....... 

Deciphered:  ...take a break and enjoy life.  All work and no play makes for a dull boy / girl.

"Never lend a family member or a close friend a large sum of money......" 

Deciphered:  If you plan on lending money to a close friend or a family member, it may be best to consider it a "gift" instead of a loan that way you won't be disappointed if they don't pay you back!

"If a painting is a painting and a photograph of a painting is a photograph of a painting, then what is a photograph?"

 Deciphered: A photograph is method in which one attempts to capture his or her viewpoint or experience with that particular subject.  It's an indication of how the photographer sees or wants us to see their perspective.  Perhaps another reason to support that idea that photographs have an element of fiction or a partial truth to them.  Try looking at the next image you see and fiqure out what is the photographer's perspective or point of view.

"Two rights don't make a left". 

Deciphered: We all know that "two wrongs don't make a right", but take it a step further and reflect on your own thoughts and think about your action or response when you are correct when someone else is wrong or something went wrong.  Do you focus on the fact that someone is "wrong" and proceed to tell them that they're wrong?  Or do you see that it's counterproductive to point fingers or to do another "wrong" by shaming or upsetting the person.  Instead, move on and respond in a more productive manner.  Find another solution or tactic to address the conflict or problem rather then responding in a negative way.  Yelling at someone for messing up isn't going to change the fact that they messed up.  Not to mention how do you really know that you're right in the first place?

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